The Police Academy was established on November 6, 1937 as a one-year vocational high school under the name of Police Institute, to train middle and upper level executives in accordance with Article 18 of the Law No: 3201.
Education at the Police Institute The Ministry of Education received a two-year degree in 1940 and a three-year university in 1962 with the decisions of the Board of Education of the Ministry of Education.
Pursuant to Article 132 of the Constitution and Article 2 of the Law on Higher Education, it was granted a separate legal structure and on 06 December 1984 the Police Higher Education Law No. 3087 became a Higher Education Institution under the name of the Police Academy and a 4-year undergraduate education.
In order to meet the personnel needs in other branches required by the Turkish Police Department, in 1989 under the Law No. 3201 on Amendment of the Law on the Law no.
Police Academy; With the Law No. 4652 dated 25 April 2001, it was restructured with the understanding of Police University.
The Faculty of Security Sciences, which provides education services within its structure, has been established as a university with 27 Police Vocational Schools and Faculties and Schools.